среда, 20 ноября 2013 г.

Спутниковая карта Печор [jpg][24 Mpx] - Лучшее

Спутниковая карта Печор [jpg][24 Mpx] - Лучшее

City Pechora Pskov region

Pechora - an ancient Russian fortress city of Pskov region , which served as a reliable protection of the north- western borders of the Russian state. City Pechora located on the border of Russia and Estonia . Its history goes back about five centuries.

Pskov land is famous in Russia and beyond its priceless historical and cultural heritage, in many places it is rightly proud of its natural beauty , amazing works of human hands , and the unique historical events and famous names .

вторник, 19 ноября 2013 г.

Подробная карта Сербии [64 Mpx] - Лучшее

Подробная карта Сербии [64 Mpx] - Лучшее

Подробная карта Финляндии [185 Mpx] - Лучшее

Подробная карта Финляндии [185 Mpx] - Лучшее

Денежная единица: евро заменили марку в качестве официальной валюты в 2002 году. Евро состоит из 100 центов. Существуют монеты достоинством в 1, 2 , 5, 10 , 20 и 50 центов и 1 евро и 2 евро. Существуют ноты 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 , 200 и 500 евро. € 1 = $ 1,25475 (или $ 1 = € 0,79697 ) по состоянию на 2005 год.

Праздники: Новый год , 1 января; Первомайская , 1 мая, День независимости 6 декабря , Рождество, 25-26 декабрь. Подвижные праздники включают Страстная пятница , Пасхальный понедельник, Троицу и Иванов день (в конце июня ) . Богоявления, Вознесения, и День Всех Святых корректируются падать всегда по субботам.

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.

Карта Канарских островов [43 Mpx] - Лучшее

Карта Канарских островов [43 Mpx] - Лучшее

Canary Islands - an archipelago of seven islands of volcanic origin in the Atlantic Ocean, off the northwest coast of Africa across Morocco and the Western Sahara. The islands belong to Spain and are one of the autonomous communities of this country. Canary Islands consist of 13 islands - the seven major Tenerife , Gran Canaria, La Gomera , El Hierro , La Palma, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote , and six small : Graciosa , Alegransa , Montaña Clara, Lobos, Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este. Geographically, the Canary Islands are included in a group of volcanic islands along with the Azores , Cape Verde and Madeira .

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

Иисус Христос - Святые - Иконы

Иисус Христос - Святые - Иконы

Иисус Христос

Размеры: 2133x3456px

Щирское озеро - Щир - География

Щирское озеро - Щир - География


Озеро Щир, Струго-Красненский район.

Schirskoe Lake - the lake in the parish Mar'ins'kyi Strugokrasnenkogo district of the Pskov region , north of the town of Struga Red .
Area - 8.2 km ² ( 820 hectares). Maximum depth - 11.5 m , average depth - 2.9 m [1 ]
On the banks of the lake are villages Brovsk , Schir , Vyborova , Zaozerye .
A drain . Belongs to the basin of the Black River , a tributary of Plyussa .
Lake - type plotvichno Okunevaya with bleak . Abundant species of fish : pike , roach , perch , bleak , ruff , carp , eel . [1 ]
The lake is characterized by gently sloping and low swampy shores , in the coastal zone - the forest , swamp, meadow, in the center - the sludge in the intertidal zone - sand , clay, silty sand , silt , and sand-clay nali , quagmire . [1 ]

World Political Map [ENG] [jpg] [37 Мрх] - Лучшее

World Political Map [ENG] [jpg] [37 Мрх] - Лучшее

Political map of the world - a geographical map showing the countries of the world , their form of government and of government. Political map reflects the major political and geographical changes : the formation of new independent states change their status, merger and division of states , the loss or acquisition of sovereignty, the change in the area of State , replacing their capitals , changing the name states and capitals , alternating forms of government , etc .
Changes in the political map are quantitative ( joining the newly discovered lands to the state , territorial gains and losses after the war, union or dissolution of states , states exchange areas of land , etc.) and qualitative ( the acquisition of sovereignty , change the form of government and political system, education interstate unions , etc.) . At present, the quantitative changes are reduced and mainly qualitative changes in the political map of the world.

среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

Рельеф Псковской области [17.5 Mpx] [] - Лучшее

Рельеф Псковской области [17.5 Mpx] [] - Лучшее

Pskov Region is a hilly area with a complex of structures (up to 130-150 m to 250-300 m above sea level) and large isolated hills with areas of hilly and flat and undulating plains.

Within it there are large isolated hill (Luga, Sudomskaya, Bezhanitsky, the eastern spurs of the hills of Latgale and Chania), rising above the surrounding plains at 150-200 m

вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Подробная карта Тайланда [320 Mpx] - Лучшее

Подробная карта Тайланда [320 Mpx] - Лучшее

Thailand is one of the best tourist destination . Here you will have an unforgettable holiday full of adventure and unforgettable excursions. For this country is endless travel , while it will surprise you again and again. Tourists love this country , which is why tours to Thailand are bought with Taylandneimovernoy speed. Everybody wants to get into this exotic country . It will appeal to all , because here you can play sports , be active nightlife, rest peacefully in the islands , and many other attractions . Had not everyone can afford such a trip . Since vouchers were very expensive . However , now it can not afford to just about every . Especially popular are the latest offerings in Thailand , as they offer reasonable prices and a long exciting vacation . Tours in Thailand must be purchased at the best travel agencies that provide a full range of services . You will spend time in this beautiful country . Here, as in the pleasant environment, you 'll feel right at home. The friendly people who are always smiling . Therefore, Thailand is also called the "land of smiles" .